China's Tencent turns to facial recognition to snag late-night child gamers

[Article] La société chinoise Tencent se tourne vers la reconnaissance faciale pour attraper les enfants 'gamers' qui jouent tard le soir.

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China's Tencent turns to facial recognition to snag late-night child gamersBeijing (AFP) - Chinese tech giant Tencent has rolled out a facial recognition "midnight patrol" function to root out children masquerading as adults to get around a government curfew on underage gamers.China bans people under...
This article was published Friday, 9 July, 2021 by AFP
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China's Tencent turns to facial recognition to snag late-night child gamers.jpg

Chinese regulators have scrambled to keep up with the country's voracious appetite for video games, which have been blamed for social ills including online addiction © AFP/File GREG BAKER

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