Selon une nouvelle étude, les symptômes du Covid durent plus d'un an pour environ la moitié des patients hospitalisés.
Actress hit with $46 mn tax fine as China targets celebrity culture
[Article] Une actrice chinoise condamnée pour évasion fiscale alors que Pékin intensifie son combat contre la "culture des célébrités".
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Actress hit with $46 mn tax fine as China targets celebrity culture.Beijing (AFP) - Top Chinese actress Zheng Shuang was hit with a $46 million tax evasion fine Friday while references to film star Zhao Wei were wiped from video streaming sites as Beijing steps up its campaign against celebrity culture.Beijing...
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Zheng Shuang became a household name in China after starring in the hit 2009 remake of Taiwanese drama 'Meteor Shower', and a string of successful series and movies © AFP/File AARON TAM