Equatorial Guinea's poor lose hope in promised social housing

[Article] Guinée Équatoriale : les foyers aux revenus modestes ne voient toujours pas la couleur des logements sociaux promis par le président nouvellement ré-élu Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.

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Equatorial Guinea's poor lose hope in promised social housing.Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) (AFP) - Brand new homes intended for Equatorial Guinea's lower-income families have cropped up across the capital Malabo, but shanty town residents say they are going to the middle class and wealthy instead.President...
This article was published Monday, 28 November, 2022 by AFP
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During his election campaign in 2009, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo promised 'social housing for all' in Equatorial Guinea © AFP Samuel OBIANG

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