Iran's ancient 'wind catchers' beat the heat naturally

[Article] Les anciens "capteurs de vent" iraniens combattent la chaleur de manière naturelle.

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Iran's ancient 'wind catchers' beat the heat naturallyYazd (Iran) (AFP) - Tall, chimney-like towers rise from centuries-old adobe houses in Iran's desert city of Yazd, drawing in a pleasant breeze for residents of one of the hottest cities on earth.  The wind catchers, called badgirs in Persian,...
This article was published Tuesday, 25 July, 2023 by AFP
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Iran's ancient 'wind catchers' beat the heat naturally.jpg

UNESCO listed Yazd as a World Heritage Site, describing the city as a 'living testimony to intelligent use of limited available resources in the desert for survival' © AFP ATTA KENARE

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