Les américains se préparent à parier sur l'ours qui mangera le plus de saumon avant son hibernation lors d'un concours très prisé des internautes.
Lost Cubist painting by Leger found on back of another canvas
[Article] Une peinture du peintre cubiste Fernand Léger découverte cachée au dos d'une autre toile par des experts néerlandais.
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Lost Cubist painting by Leger found on back of another canvas.The Hague (AFP) - Art experts in the Netherlands said Thursday they had discovered an important painting by the French Cubist Fernand Leger that had been hidden for more than a century on the back of another canvas.The unknown work "Smoke...
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'Smoke over the Rooftops' was restored by the Dutch-based Studio Redivivus © AFP François WALSCHAERTS