L'ONU s'inquiète de la situation de la Syrie après le tremblement de terre et déplore la faiblesse de l'aide internationale.
Rihanna performs hits at Super Bowl - with a very special guest
[Article] Rihanna, enceinte, régale le public avec ses tubes à la mi-temps du Superbowl.
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Rihanna performs hits at Super Bowl - with a very special guest.Glendale (United States) (AFP) - Rihanna made her long-awaited return to the stage at the Super Bowl with a medley of pop hits, but it was her baby bump that dominated the conversation.The megastar appeared in the stadium midair on a floating...
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Rihanna's return to the stage fueled rumors - later confirmed - that the star is once again pregnant © AFP TIMOTHY A. CLARY