'Hero' Malian who saved child to be given French citizenship

[Article] Le jeune réfugié malien qui a sauvé la vie d'un enfant en escaladant à mains nues un immeuble dans le 18e arrondissement de Paris recevra la nationalité française.

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'Hero' Malian who saved child to be given French citizenship.
Paris (AFP) - A Malian migrant who scaled a four-story Paris apartment bloc with his bare hands to save a child was honoured by French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday and offered citizenship.
Two days after his daring Spiderman-style...
This article was published Tuesday, 29 May, 2018 by AFP
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'Hero' Malian who saved child to be given French citizenship.jpg

President Emmanuel Macron (left) offers Mamoudou Gassama, 22, from Mali, French citizenship after he scaled a Paris building to save the life of a four-year-old child dangling from a balcony  © POOL/AFP Thibault Camus

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